Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Diving in!

Hello and Welcome to my blog!
I have finally jumped onto the ol' blog wagon. Why not, all the cool kids are doing it. I think I am the last to conquer all the cool, hip, new age things in life. Take the CD player for instance. I am fairly certain that I was the last teenager on earth to own a CD player! Does anyone know in what year the first CD player was released? Well, I'll tell you, 1983. What year did I get one? 1999. It was one of those big, bulky, 5 disc changer boombox stereos. How many CDs did I have at the time? One. Same goes for the DVD player, somewhere around 2002, I think.
As an aspiring writer, I am embarking on a journey into the vast, wonderful and sometimes a little daunting, world of social media. I'm posting, pasting, texting, tagging, tweeting, blogging, banking, booking, linking, liking and every other new online verb you can think of that will soon be in the dictionary, if it is not already. I may even feel the need to make up some new ones of my own somewhere along the way, you never know.
I want to share some of my tips, tricks, resources and stories that I've discovered along the way, as well as any new ones I will most assuredly happen upon. Any feedback or tidbits you'd like to share would be most welcomed as well. It is my hope that by sharing my journey I will help and inspire all those out there who are walking in the same shoes, paddling the same boat, flying the same kite, barking up the same tree, you catch my drift, as me. Come and join me on my new adventure, won't you?
I plan to share some great apps and websites that I have found to be very helpful, such as:
The Writer app and even word games like Words with Friends to help build skill and vocabulary and a little something I like to call, $100 Word of the Day, just to name a few.
It has been a life long dream of mine to be able to get my thoughts and emotions out of my head, down in black and white and share them with the world. So here I am, diving in!

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